Your Pension Amount

The amount of your pension depends on a variety of factors:

  • The type of pension you elect
  • The payment option you elect
  • Your earned pension credits
  • The years in which you earned credit
  • The employer(s) for whom you have worked

Types of Pensions
The Affiliates' Pension Plan offers three types of pensions:

  • A Normal Retirement Pension, if you are age 65, and meet on of the following requirements:
    • You've earned at least 15 years of service credit with at least one year of current service;
    • You've earnedat least 3 years of current, disability or vesting service; and/or
    • You're otherwise vested
  • An Early Retirement Pension, if you are:
    • At least age 50, if your age plus your number of service credits equals 80 or more (Rule of 80); or
    • At least age 55, an are vested (per vesting requirements outlined under Earning Credit.
  • A Disability Pension, if you become totally and permanently disabled prior to age 65 and have at least 15 years of service credit with at least 1 year of current service OR at least 10 years of current, disability or vesting service.

How You Calculate Your Benefit

The monthly pension amount you will receive is determined by your service credits and your “final compensation.” Final compensation is the average of the highest three calendar years of annual gross compensation you received.

To calculate your normal pension amount, multiply 2% of your final compensation by your years of service credit. (There are also different formulas if you last worked prior to June 1, 1984). See your Summary Plan Description.


If you retire before you reach age 65, your pension amount is calculated the same way as a normal pension, but it may be reduced to account for the extra time benefits are being paid. 

For examples and much more detail on how to calculate your benefit, refer to your Summary Plan Description

Want to see an estimate of your future pension benefit?

Since calculating your own benefit may be complicated, the Benefit Funds office can provide you with an estimate of your future pension benefit. Simply submit the Pension Estimate Request Form to see all contributions made on your behalf to date, and/or to receive an estimate of your future pension benefit. 

Your Payment Options

When it’s time to receive your pension, you’ll elect your payment option. If you decide to provide a monthly benefit for your spouse or other survivor in the event of your death, your overall pension amount will be reduced, based on your age and that of your spouse or survivor, to accommodate those extra payments. All options include a guaranteed payment of at least 36 times your monthly benefit amount.

Canadian Benefit Options

Normal Monthly Benefit of Lifetime Payments
66 2/3% Spousal Pension
Joint & Survivor Option
Certain Payment Options
Level Income Option
Lump Sum Options
For more information on all of those options, refer to your Summary Plan Description.

If You Get Married or Divorced

  • If you marry before you retire: You will receive a 66 2/3% Spousal Pension unless you elect another payment option. Please note that certain provinces require specific timeframes for length of marriage in order for Spousal Pension Benefits to apply. See your Summary Plan Description for more information.
  • If you marry after you retire: Your pension benefit is not affected because you cannot change your form of payment after you have begun receiving pension benefits.
  • If you are divorced before you retire: The Plan will treat you as a single person.
  • If you divorce after you retire: Your form of pension benefit will generally not change. However, there are additional rules depending on which jurisdiction you are under. See your Summary Plan Description for more information.